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Multicultural Night

Lead Elementary PTA Invites you to our Multicultural Family Night Friday, November 15th in our new Lead Multipurpose Room.


Multicultural Night is an event for families to showcase and celebrate the cultural diversity that makes up Lead Elementary School.


Everyone is welcome to participate by attending the event, hosting a table, sharing food, or volunteering. Culture is not limited to other countries. You can showcase regional culture such as your home state, region (like the Pacific Northwest), or LGBTQ Pride. 


How can you be involved? 

Table and Posters: We are looking for families to host a table and make poster boards showcasing their culture. Details and guidance will be provided. Tri-fold poster boards are available, provided by the PTA.


Fashion: Everyone is encouraged to wear traditional clothes or national team sports jerseys from their culture. With enough participation we will host a fashion show.


Food: Participants are encouraged to bring a food or dish or "small bite" that showcases something special about their culture. (Think of Costco sample size.) All food cups, small spoons, and napkins will be provided by PTA.  


Music and Dance: Do you or a friend play traditional music from your country? If you would like to perform a song or dance, there will be time for a quick performance. 


Questions? Contact Renee Skinner.

Multicultural Night
Multicultural Night
Nov 15, 2024, 5:30 PM
Lead Elementary School
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